Impact Expansion: investing to tackle social exclusion, healthcare challenges and climate change in Europe

About the fund
Impact Expansion was founded in 2022 through a covenant of partners from KOIS and Milestone. On the strength of their expertise in impact investing with a strong buy-and-build track record, the fund invests in companies during their growth stage in 3 focus sectors: Healthcare, Education & Employment, and Environment.Investing through unique positioning to generate superior impact
Healthcare, Education&Employment and Climate&Nature are sectors in which there are major needs in Western Europe due to insuffisient delivery and governmental budget limitations.
It is to address these issues that Impact Expansion was created. By being able to invest as both minority and majority shareholder, the fund is able to scale business models to a level where they have a systemic and long-term effect.
Impact Expansion | European impact investment fund (
Fund characteristics
Target size
€ 120M
Size of investments
€ 5-20M
Target gross IRR
Portfolio companies
Impact Expansion takes stakes in companies with proven business models, looking for their next phase of growth while deepening their impact ambition. The impact must be at the core of the business model and will be enhanced and scaled through organic growth and build-ups.
Potential Project: 400,000 people trained to be more focused, calm and resilient, even happier at work
Company inception year: 2010
Investment year: 2021
Potential Project provides specific mind training programs to international blue chip companies’ employees, increasing their performance, resilience, innovation and satisfaction at work while reducing their stress and preventing potential burnout risks.
PP is active across three large and growing market segments, corporate training, Leadership development and Digital corporate training. Many organisations use training outsourcing providers to provide learning services for their company’s training initiatives. They partner with outside companies, such as PP, not just for courses and content but for the management of processes, services and administrative activities as well. PP is present in 28 countries and works with more than 150 trainers
Potential Project’s impact
- Provides training to +50,000 people in companies per annum
- Stress reduction, concentration increase, sleep improvement, burn-out prevention
- Transforming organisation towards more collaboration and stakeholders’ orientation
- Promotes kindness and compassion in organisations
- Together with Harvard Business Review PP conduct global research to define the state of art of leadership in the 21st century
SomniPlanet: Treating patients suffering from sleep apnea
Company inception year: 2012
Investment year: 2022
SomniPlanet operates in the French Home Medical Assistance (“HMA”) market, focusing on sleep apnea (respiratory) treatments and looking to expand in other therapies. SomniPlanet’s mission is to improve efficiency of patient treatment, increase patient well-being and satisfaction, and support doctors in their day-to-day work.
SomniPlanet’s impact
- Increase patient’s wellness by providing homecare services
- Through IT technology, increase patient observance and treatment efficiency
- Reduce public national spending through increased treatment productivity and reduced hospital costs (homecare)
- Inclusive treatment services to vulnerable and excluded persons
- Reduce carbon footprint (optimise nurses’ itineraries and switch to electric vehicles)
Mon Kit Solaire: Selling auto-consumption solar kits to install oneself (DIY)
Company inception year: 2014
Investment year: 2023
Mon Kit Solaire’s primary mission is to contribute to the renewable energy transition in France by selling solar panels to consumers, who wish to install the panels themselves (DIY – “Do-It-Yourself”) and auto-consume the energy produced (i.e., not only to resell it to the grid). Mon Kit Solaire mainly contributes to SDG #7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and SDG #13 (Climate Action) by providing an alternative source of energy to fossil energies and so, fastening the energy transition.
Mon Kit Solaire’s impact
- Increases the number of solar panels as an alternative to traditional fossil energy sources
- Contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions
- Ensures that the energy transition to renewable energies will happen faster
- Allows households to have access to solar energy at a lower cost
- Helps households to reduce their electricity bill
- Mon Kit Solaire leverages ESATs (social businesses employing handicapped workers) to assemble the kits
Discover our other projects
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Multi-country Social Outcomes Contracting to tackle unemployment in Europe
European Union Member States have been confronted with the challenge of unemployment for several decades with relatively similar characteristics. Seeking innovative approaches to tackle this common issue, KOIS has supported the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH), in testing the preliminary feasibility of a Pan-European Social Outcomes Contracting (SOC) scheme. In this study, we explore the potential benefits and hurdles of a multi country Social Outcomes Contracting in three pilot countries, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
The Crop Trust Food Security Bond: ensuring sustainable funding for the conservation of crop diversity
The Crop Trust is an international nonprofit organization working to preserve global crop diversity – a key element in protecting global food security for future generations.
In 2020, KOIS supported the Crop Trust in testing the feasibility of the Food Security Bond, which is designed to ensure long-term funding for its operations.