Climate & Nature related news

L’Echo: The neglected potential of social impact bonds as a way out of the crisis

Chronicle by Pierre Hermant, CEO of
Social Impact Bond mechanisms consist of calling on private investors to finance innovative projects that aim to make a measurable contribution to solving problems with a known social cost. We are therefore talking about venture capital. Could Impact Bonds be our way out of the crisis?

KOIS initiative Inclusio launches its Initial Public Offering on Euronext Brussels

KOIS initiative Inclusio launches its Initial Public Offering on Euronext Brussels

It’s official: as of today, Inclusio launches its Initial Public Offering on Euronext Brussels, 7 years after KOIS joined forces with co-founders bank Degroof-Petercam and Revive! This IPO serves to put a truly impactful product on the stock market, that anyone can invest in with an Issue Price fixed at €21,4.

KOIS Newsletter – An Impact Finance milestone

KOIS Newsletter – An Impact Finance milestone

Today is a special day for KOIS.

Today, we take a step further in our mission to enable everyone to create a positive impact through their financial choices.

Today, Inclusio, the Social Housing Fund we started 5 years ago, announced its intention to launch an Initial Public Offering on Euronext Brussels.

India needs impact finance to scale innovative mental healthcare models

India needs impact finance to scale innovative mental healthcare models

The prevalence of mental health disorders is increasing steadily in India, yet expenditure does not seem to follow. The low proportionate funding is exacerbated thereafter by the underutilisation of funds and several systemic issues along the patient journey. However, impact finance could play an important role in scaling up mental healthcare models.

The 2nd largest French Bank launches a Social & Environmental Impact loan

Putting impact at the heart of financial strategy is a growing trend. From international commitments such as the Business for Inclusive Growth initiative from the OCDE, to more concrete cases as the one we present in this article. At KOIS, we are happy to see these becoming a real part of how finance is done on a global scale. The latest example to date? A Social and Environmental Impact loan from the 2nd largest French Bank. This new offer aims to valorise the social or environmental engagement of its clients in the real estate and social housing sector.

A Development Impact Bond to lift women entrepreneurs out of poverty

The Industree Foundation envisions a world in which millions of producers rise out of poverty by building sustainable livelihoods in creative manufacturing. To achieve this, they recently partnered with USAID and with KOIS to define how to sustainably finance their POWER project.

Devex: Is it time for health facilities to go green?

Devex: Is it time for health facilities to go green?

In Alicante, Spain, air pollution is responsible for 4 million deaths per year and, while advocates put pressure on fossil fuel companies and airlines for their role in polluting the sky,there is also a more unlikely culprit: Health facilities.