We are delighted to announce the launch of the AiLSi social impact bond. Operated by Médecins du Monde, this project aims to offer homeless people suffering from severe mental illness and facing justice an alternative to imprisonment through housing and intensive care.
Structured by KOIS, this social impact bond is the largest in terms of amount ever launched in France. It is invested by the European Investment Fund (EIF), BNP Paribas, Groupe Caisse des Dépôts and INCO, with outcome funding from the French government.
Freshfields advises innovative finance advisory firm KOIS on employment focused Social Impact Bonds
Global law firm Freshfields advised KOIS on three out of a total of four innovative employment focused social impact bonds launched in the last two years. All four social impact bonds are investing in people, supporting them back into work to positively change lives. The social impact bonds are backed and financed by the French Government.
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Kartik tells us about the landscape of impact investment and blended finance in India
Oct 11, 2021 | Club deals, Innovative Finance
In this interview at CSR Box, Kartik shares with us his professional journey and his insights on the impact investment landscape in India. Then, he tells us how business, government and the private sector can work together, fostering blended finance initiatives.
Serena shares her views about the progress of the innovative finance industry
Oct 4, 2021 | Club deals, Innovative Finance
Our partner, Serena Guarnaschelli, was invited to exchange her views about the innovative finance industry with Sam McManus, Director of Uxolo Development and Impact Finance. She touches on key topics such as the role of public and blended finance for development purposes, the progress of climate finance and the role of the Sustainable Development Goals to align different actors.
$14m Development Impact Bond for refugees launches in the Middle East
Sep 27, 2021 | Education & Employment, Innovative Finance, Press
KOIS and its partners the IKEA Foundation, Novo Nordisk Foundation, Norad, the U.S. Development Finance Corporation (DFC) and Ferd are thrilled to announce the first tranche of a new Development Impact Bond (DIB) for refugees in Jordan and Lebanon. This will fund a micro-enterprise creation programme, delivered by the Near East Foundation UK, to help refugees and vulnerable host communities recover their livelihoods and build their resilience.
Impact Expansion announces its first investment in Potential Project
Sep 24, 2021 | Club deals, Education & Employment, Health, Investment management, Press
Impact Expansion acquired a minority stake in Potential Project. Potential Project partners with large, purpose-driven organisations to help their leaders and employees uncover the power of mind and create more resilience, innovation, engagement at work, with lower stress levels and reduced burnouts.
Supporting a rapid and equitable Covid-19 vaccination: the role of the private sector
Mar 4, 2021 | Health
The Covid-19 vaccine brings hope of an end to the pandemic, but faces great challenges in its roll-out. Ensuring that everyone gets the vaccine as soon as possible will require monumental efforts from public and private sector actors alike. Here are our thoughts on how the private sector can contribute.
Why this decade may finally be the age of consumerization for Indian healthcare
Feb 4, 2021 | Health
Long prophesised and awaited, the consumerization of Indian health has been a well-studied phenomenon. While it has been steadily growing, the segment has not seen a breakout moment. Will this decade bring about change?
L’Echo: The neglected potential of social impact bonds as a way out of the crisis
Jan 26, 2021 | Climate & Nature, Investment management, Press
Chronicle by Pierre Hermant, CEO of finance.brussels.
Social Impact Bond mechanisms consist of calling on private investors to finance innovative projects that aim to make a measurable contribution to solving problems with a known social cost. We are therefore talking about venture capital. Could Impact Bonds be our way out of the crisis?
A year of impact: Season’s Greetings
Dec 18, 2020 | Innovative Finance, Investment management
2020 was an unexpected year for all. Many of the communities we serve struggled, but we also witnessed a great resilience in the world of impact. This resilience, is what we want to share & celebrate with you as we end 2020 and jump into 2021.