Dear friends,
More than ever, we need to help impact-driven organisations scale their impact and to do so, enable them to attract new and sustainable sources of funding.
We, at KOIS, strongly believe that not-for-profits and social enterprises have a great role to play in solving the world’s biggest issues. However, big issues require even greater-scale solutions. To achieve scale, social entrepreneurs need to acquire new skills and transform their organisation. Moreover, increasing their operational performance and self-sustainability is key to secure higher amounts and new forms of funding. Indeed, the scarcity of philanthropic and grant resources, especially in these times, can make them less sustainable at scale.
At KOIS, we help such organisations prepare themselves for scale-up and, ultimately, attract more sustainable sources of funding. Together, we research and find ways to refine their processes and operations, professionalize their management, increase their cost-efficiency, generate economies of scale and more… without compromising their social mission. Eventually, this leads to more actionable scale-up plans and realistic funding strategies.
Today, as the work of these organisations becomes increasingly critical, we wish to share our most recent case study on the matter: helping Light for the World, an international NGO focusing on eyecare for low income patients in Africa in their scale-up. We worked with LFTW to identify ways of improving the operational performance and financial self-sustainability of their ophthalmologic centres in the DRC:
We hope these thoughts inspire you, as these organisations inspire our work. If they do, we invite you to share these words with organizations that seek to increase the breadth of their impact or transition to more sustainable sources of funding!
For the KOIS team,
François de Borchgrave, Charles-Antoine Janssen, Serena Guarnaschelli,
KOIS partners
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Today, 3.8 billion people do not have access to quality healthcare. Some venture and private equity funds such as HealthQuad want to bridge the gap where public healthcare investments fail, and the Covid-19 crisis is a painful proof of this urgent need.

The lockdowns have lead to a loss of income in the informal sector, being the primary source of income in developing countries. We must take action now. In this context, Belgian impact investors call upon all dedicated actors, public or private, to connect with us, to mobilize resources and to join us in our response.