We select our colleagues to represent our values: integrity, honesty and transparency. They strive daily to increase our impact from our 5 locations: Brussels, London, Mumbai, Nairobi & Paris.

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François de Borchgrave

Founder & Managing partner, Brussels

Charles-Antoine Janssen

Founder & Managing partner, Brussels

Florian Kemmerich

Managing partner, Brussels


Serena Guarnaschelli

Partner, London

Parag Vaidya

Associate Partner & CFO, Mumbai


Juliette Averseng

Associate Partner, Brussels


Karthik Subbaraman

Associate Partner, Mumbai

Ann Lanens

Office Manager, Brussels

Mamtha Gujaran

Office Manager, Mumbai

Cédric Joutet

Principal, Paris

Charlotte Badenoch

Principal, Nairobi

Krati Garg

Manager, Mumbai


Shriya Bubna

Manager, Mumbai

Salma Badr

Manager, Paris


Francesca Pallara

Manager, Brussels

Tracy deSouza

Manager, Mumbai

Matteo Vanzini

Associate, Brussels

Hugo Le Blay

Associate, Paris

Kaustubh Shanbhag

Associate, Mumbai

Alexandre Miura

Associate, Paris

Akshita Singh

Associate, New Delhi


Enock Wangila

Associate, Nairobi


Bhavya Reddy

Senior Analyst, Mumbai


Marie Pietri

Senior Analyst, Paris


Renuka Barsila

Senior Analyst, Mumbai


Miriam Levit

Analyst, Brussels


Aditya Andhansare

Analyst, Mumbai


Sadhana Nadathur

Junior Analyst, Mumbai


Silke Janssens

Junior Analyst, Brussels


Marco Sangiovanni

Junior Analyst, Brussels


Milena Mayora

Junior Analyst, Brussels


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On top of working on projects impacting communities around the world,
our team regularly writes on upcoming financial innovations, key societal issues and more. Have a look!

Provisional reception of the construction of affordable apartments in Anderlecht

Brussels, September 14, 2020: On June 22, 2020, the construction of a building including affordable apartments and commercial spaces was received. It is a result of the collaboration between the developer Kairos, through City Projects, and the real estate company Inclusio. The building offers a total of 163 residential units, 6 commercial spaces, an office and 141 underground parking spaces.

Join KOIS’ pre-MBA programme in India

KOIS, a pioneering global impact finance firm, is looking for new talent to join its pre-MBA Analyst programme in Mumbai, India! Interested in having a concrete impact while building strategic financial skills? Apply today!

Creating a safety net for India’s migrant workers

India has seen one of the strictest and longest lockdown due to the COVID-19. The lockdown has significantly affected India’s migrant worker population. While India’s government set up a relief package of nearly $23 billion specifically for migrant workers and the urban poor, the conditions keep many from availing these benefits. Could impact finance help?